Ado (14-17 ans)
Intervenant·es et corps enseignant
Jeunes (17 ans +)
Organisation de coopération internationale
Organisme et mouvement
Justice environnementale
Justice sociale et économique
Pouvoir et participation citoyenne
Leviers d'action
Agir ensemble
Engager, influencer, former
Impact et gestion de projet
Participation civique et politique
S'orienter et agir


  • A Debt Paid How Many Times?

    Social diagnosis of globalization and of the impact of governments, institutions and our lifestyles on the so-called "Third World". The workshop explores the origins of the Global South's debt, of poverty and global inequality. It allows its participants to travel from the time of colonization to the creation of international financial institutions, including the Cold War and structural adjustment programs. The workshop provides an overview of the various factors that have contributed to the accumulation of debt while outlining their social and economic consequences, as well as possible solutions.

  • A Debt Paid How Many Times? (role-playing games)

    The debt workshop allows participants to experience the injustices of colonization, such as the expropriation of resources.
  • Agent of Change: Civic Action

    Agent of Change: Citizen Action is designed to sharpen your analytical and action skills to help you assume your role as an eco-citizen of the 21st century. From the study of eco-responsible behaviours to inclusive communication practices and citizen mobilization techniques, our workshops will familiarize you with the multiple and amazing levers of your eco-citizen power. Through an integrated curriculum, this program gives you the tools to maximize your impact on society and the world.

  • Agent of Change: Climate Activism

    Agent of Change is designed to sharpen your analytical and operational skills so that you can fully assume your role as an eco-citizen of the 21st century. From the study of eco-responsible behaviours to inclusive communication practices and citizen mobilization techniques, our workshops will familiarize you with the multiple and amazing levers of your eco-citizen power. Through an integrated curriculum, this program gives you the tools to maximize your impact on society and the world.

  • Eco-citizenship: Reclaiming Control Over Our World

    As a teacher, you want to act in the face of current crises (health, social, climatic, economic...), and you are looking for ways to address these issues with your students? The workshop Reclaiming Control over Our World offers food for thought and action to enable young people to better situate themselves in the face of these challenges, and to devise their own solutions.

  • Environment: Fundamental Concepts

    The workshop allows participants to master the basic concepts to help them understand global environmental realities, such as climate change, greenhouse gases and biodiversity.
  • Fair Trade (role-playing games)

    This workshop allows participants to better understand the consequences of social injustices related to the international trade of agricultural products from the so-called "Third World" countries.
  • Food Security and the Environment

    Exploration of the multiple causes of food insecurity and the links between climate threats and threats to food security, as well as individual and collective solutions to mitigate them.
  • International Volunteering and Volunturism

    Intended for people interested in working abroad, the workshop explores the different aspects of commitment, the motivations behind international cooperation projects and the pitfalls that can ensue.
  • Introduction to religions

    Adopting a question-and-answer approach, this workshop allows participants to become familiar with the different religions practiced in Quebec and their role in the countries of origin of many immigrants who settle in Quebec.
  • Overconsumption: Impacts and Solutions

    This workshop explains our economic system in a simple and organized way. It introduces the concept of overconsumption/overproduction by highlighting its destructive social, economic and environmental implications. It examines the factors that encourage overconsumption and proposes micro and macro solutions to counter the phenomenon.
  • Results-Based Management (RBM 101)

    This workshop ohelps participants understand its core principles, its primary tools and their application. It offers the opportunity to test, experiment and apply key strategies through hands-on exercises throughout the sessions.

  • Strengthening the Action – Mobilization Campaign

    Nowadays, participatory and mobilizing change strategies are increasingly being advocated. That said, it is not always easy to co-create change or to stimulate tangible action, i.e. to mobilize. This module is designed to support individuals who wish to develop their engagement strategy through mobilization. This module will help you discover the ingredients - and some great recipes! of a succesful civic mobilization.

  • Strengthening your Action – Advocacy Campaign

    Whatever your specific context and needs, this module will help you develop an advocacy campaign framework for mobilizing allies - including key decision-makers - who can assist in bringing about the change you seek. This module is designed to support people who want to develop their own advocacy campaign, but do not know how to structure or carry it out.

  • Structural Poverty

    Reflection on the causes of poverty and ont the underlying injustices. The workshop allows participants to demystify and relativize the notion of poverty and to be made more conscious of the different forms it takes.
  • The Environmental Impacts of Chocolate Milk

    By following the chocolate milk production chain, the workshop raises the participants' level of awareness of the environmental damage that can be generated by the consumption of everyday commodities.
  • The History of Black People in Quebec

    This workshop provides an overview of the historical journey of Black Afro-Descendants through the "slave trade", its origins and its political and socio-economic impacts in the Americas and in Quebec in particular. It prompts the participants to reflect on the consequences of this journey on the current situation of Black people in Quebec society.